Biomechanics and orthodontic treatment methods
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Number of learning points: 12

Biomechanics and orthodontic treatment methods

5800.00 zł 5500.00 zł
Early registration – the price applies when registering for 05.03.2025
Marcin Stasiak
Training program
Day 1

Theoretical part

10:00 - 13:30
  1. Introduction to orthodontic biomechanics
    - Optimal forces needed for tooth movement
    - The force versus the centre of resistance

    - The moment of force
    - The moment of force to moment of couple ratio

    - The centre of rotation
    - Types of tooth movements depending on the centre of rotation
    - Force systems in orthodontics: determinate one-couple systems,     and
       non-determinate two-couple systems

    - Biomechanics of the simple lever

    - Biomechanics of V bends

    - Biomechanics of step bends

  2. Indications for early orthodontic treatment
  3. Methods of treating eruption disorders: impacted baby teeth, supernumerary teeth,
    reinclusion, ectopic eruption, impacted teeth (incisors, canine teeth, molars),
    transposition, primary eruption disorders – aetiology, orthodontic – surgical
    therapeutic protocols and biomechanics of impacted tooth extrusion
    (“piggyback” technique, vertical and horizontal simple lever,
    ballista spring, extrusion and intrusion arches, micro implants).
  4. Methods of treating transverse disturbances
    - Transverse maxillary hypoplasia: assessment of the skeletal disproportion and
    maturity of the mid-palatal suture, removable plate expander with a screw, bi-helix,
    NiTi expander, expander with a hyrax screw
    - Crossbites caused by tooth positioning: mechanics of the bend out and toe in
    bending - expansion arch with V-type bends, trans-palatal arches, NiTi expander,
    biomechanics of intermaxillary tractions, micro implants
    - Suspended bites caused by tooth positioning: removable plate expander with a
    screw, mechanics of the bend out and toe in bending – contraction arch with V-type
    bends, expansion arch with V-type bends, biomechanics of intermaxillary tractions,
    micro implants
13:30 - 14:00 Lunch

Practical part

14:00 - 17:00
  1. Fabrication of orthodontic leverages for extrusion of impacted teeth
  2. Fabrication of an orthodontic leverage for verticalisation of the mandible
  3. Bending the ballista spring
  4. V-bending in transverse defects
  5. Bending of the palatal bars
  6. Bending of the bi-helix expanders
Day 2

Theoretical part

10:00 - 13:30
  1. Treating defects class 2
    - Early treatment – indications, biomechanics in preparation for bite jumping
    - Growth modification in adolescents: functional appliances, fabrication of
    construction bite, structural modifications of functional appliances, 
    Biomechanics of fixed correctors class 2, headgear
    - Camouflage with teeth displacements: biomechanics of internal tractions,
    incisor recession into the extraction socket, and tooth anchorage control,
    distalisation using micro implants

  2. Treating defects class 3
    -Treatment of anterior crossbites caused by teeth misalignment, employment
    of the V bending mechanics to control the anchorage
    - Treatment of horizontal and vertical maxillary hypoplasia with employed 
     biomechanics of reversed headgear
    - Camouflage with teeth displacements: biomechanics of internal tractions,
    incisor recession into the extraction socket, and 
    tooth anchorage control

  3. Treatment of deep bite
    -  Control of overbite in the straight arch technique
    - Extrusion of lateral teeth: bite planes, RCS, bendings, 
    positioning of brackets, tractions
    - Intrusion arches: mechanics of the tip back bend, Mulligan, Ricketts, and 
    Nandy arches
    - Biomechanics in correction of the inclination of the denture aesthetic line
    - Treatment modifying growth: bite plate, functional appliance

  4. Treatment of open bites
    - Elimination of the sucking habit
    - Permanent tongue guard
    - Extrusion in the anterior section: tractions, mechanics of the tip forward bend,
    extrusion arches, tooth anchorage control
    - Treatment modifying growth: high-pull headgear,
    functional appliance with bite planes
    - The impact of extraction of individual teeth on the therapeutic process,
    treatment mechanics, and the achieved results

13:30 - 14:00 Lunch

Część praktyczna

14:00 - 17:00
  1. Assembly of a fixed corrector class II 
  2. Bending of the Mulligan bypass arch
  3. Bending of the Stop Advance arch
  4. Bending of intrusion arches
17:00 Recapitulation
Based on the Ordinance of the Minister of Health of February 21, 2022 on the method of fulfilling the obligation of professional training for physicians and dentists and the entry of the District Medical Chamber in Warsaw into the register of entities training physicians and dentists, number 68-000467-002-0038, for completing the training the participant is entitled to 12 educational points.

Sign up for training


Aleja Zwycięstwa 48, 80-210 Gdańsk


880 313 327
