Practical application of orthodontic micro implants
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Number of learning points: 12

Practical application of orthodontic micro implants

6000.00 zł 5600.00 zł
Early registration – the price applies when registering for 23.04.2025
Marcin Stasiak
Training program
Day 1

Theoretical part - Lectures

10:00 - 13:30
  1. Types of micro implants

  2. The alveolar process area: inter-root, retro-molar placement, alveolar crest

  3. Micro implants outside the alveolar process area: T-zone, zygomaticalveoar
    crest, mandibular line, mandibular branch

  4. Instruments

  5. Soft tissue and micro implants

  6. Selection of the location

  7. Techniques of micro implantation

  8. Loading micro implants

  9. Post-operative indications, difficulties, and complications

  10. Direct and indirect anchoring

  11. Biomechanics in treatment using micro implants

  12. Using micro implants to bring impacted teeth to eruption

  13. Micro implants in tooth transposition cases

  14. Verticalisation of the molars

  15. Mesialisation of the molars

  16. Protruding and tilting lateral teeth in transverse defects – cross-bites and
    lingual occlusion

  17. Intrusion of molars

13:30 - 14:00 Lunch

Practical part - Workshop

14:00 - 17:00
  1. Placing micro implants on specially prepared typodonts simulating
    soft and hard tissue:

    -Inter-root placement

    - Retro-molar area

    - T-zone

    - Mandibular line (BS)

    - zygomaticalveoar crest (IZC)

Based on the Ordinance of the Minister of Health of February 21, 2022 on the method of fulfilling the obligation of professional training for physicians and dentists and the entry of the District Medical Chamber in Warsaw into the register of entities training physicians and dentists, number 68-000467-002-0038, for completing the training the participant is entitled to 12 educational points.

Sign up for training


Aleja Zwycięstwa 48, 80-210 Gdańsk


880 313 327
